Generic Male Wolf Base Version 2 (LAST UPDATE!)

Making the final update for this base, since I'll be working on newer and better-made ones that I've been wanting to do recently!
You'll find that this specific base will NOT have any premade color layers and basic patterns, but only the basecolors. I feel that this one is a little tricky to color in all its individual toggleable features, but if you're experienced and don't mind going through them, then this will help you guys better to put down your character patterns. The small fixes I made to this base was just the linearts. Also, I lowered the price for this base as I feel it's a more appropriate price compared to others. Otherwise, this base is pretty much good to go!
Making these basecolors and fixes are a small reward for you all being supportive by buying this base and others! I hope you guys enjoy this last update and be sure to look forward to my new bases soon!
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